Monday, September 5, 2011

Good Partner by Akira

Good Partner

She is my hamster, which is named Hamuchu 13th.
She is a descendant of an assassin.
From her powerful GadgiGadgi bite I could get
the  glimpse of the destined murder impulses.

Her favorite dish is seeds of sunflower and cabbage.
And, she is the second fondest of my delicious finger!


by Akira


  1. Hi Akira!
    The hamster is lovely.
    I thought that I would also like to keep an animal.
    However, it is disagreeable that a finger is bit.

  2. Hello!

    It's a very pretty hamster.
    It's really very small.

    by Hisano

  3. Hi,Akira.
    your hamster is very cute!
    I wont to touch your humster.

