Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nabe Patty by Aoi

This picture is Tomato nabe.
I did nabe patty with my friends.After the club, everyone gathered at my house and patty.
We started it at 24 :00.We made it for things around the house.
It was easy And delicious.Nabe  of winter is the best. It was fun.
I want to do nabe patty again.


  1. Hello!

    It looks delicious.
    I want to do a nabe party, too.


  2. Hi Aoi.

    It is indeed true. Nabe is best in winter.
    And it is fun for everyone that eats together somebody.
    Although I have never eaten “Tomato nabe”, it seems delicious.
    The Nabe also has some eggs, so it must be nourishing.
    I will cook it too.

    by Akira

  3. Hi!
    I read your blog!!

    It looks nice!!
    I want to eat Tomatonabe.

    Ayumi MARUTA
